Articles — sterilization

Aseptic Fill vs. Terminal Sterilization | Newsletter | Issue 06 | 2021
Aseptic pharmaceutical manufacturing requires that all sterile drug products be filled into clean and hygienic containers, then sealed using primary and secondary packaging. However, this practice, though widely used, cannot obtain the Sterility Assurance Level, or SAL of 10-6. This has required new methods of sterilization to be brought to the market. Why Terminal Sterilization Terminal sterilization can provide this proper Sterility Assurance Level. This sterilization process has products sterilized in their final container or packaging, which permits the measurement and evaluation of quantifiable microbial lethality. It is an essential process as it ensures the parenteral/injectable drug products remain sterile and without the...

Understanding Terminal Sterilization | Newsletter | Issue 02 | 2020
Understanding Terminal Sterilization Keeping things clean, safe, and sterile is one of the most crucial parts of healthcare protocol. But, more often than not, when the term “sterilization” is mentioned, most are unsure of what the exact process is. We’ve outlined what sterilization is, and how MediZap utilizes it in our processes and protocols to ensure your compounds are as safe as possible. A Primer On Sterilization Sterilization is a process designed to destroy and remove all forms of life present in a defined area. It’s accomplished by the use of either physical or chemical means. It can also be...
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