Keeping things clean, safe, and sterile is one of the most crucial parts of drug manufacturing.
MediZap’s Electron-Beam processing, or electron irradiation, is the most advanced sterilization technology on the market. This technique uses beta radiation - a form of high energy electrons - to penetrate and disrupt microorganism’s RNA/DNA chains (their genetic material and means of survival). Electron Beam | X-Ray provides the highest level of sterility assurance at 10⁻⁶. When these chains are disrupted, it means that the microorganism can no longer survive, and eliminates any risk of their contamination.
The X-Ray irradiation process utilizes photon radiation for terminal sterilization of drug products. X-Ray irradiation is safe, reliable and highly effective at treating a wide variety of drug products with varying densities. The combination of shorter exposure time and improved Dose Uniformity Ratios (DUR) make X-Ray irradiation a viable processing option for a variety of drug products. Similar to electron beam, X- Ray processing is powered by electricity.